ARCHIVE: November demo: An Active Street Scene in Watercolour

Tuesday 15 November 2022 at 7.30pm

Brian Smith is a Sheffield born artist and illustrator with an uncommon breadth of expertise in an unusual variety of fields; here are some of them.

An inquisitive observer of all that goes on around him, he paints for the joy of it, describing …

ARCHIVE: October demo -Sunset in Pastels

Tuesday 18 October 2022 at 7.30pm.

Les Darlow loves painting skies and thinks they are the key to a great landscape. He has a fascination for storms and extreme weather, whether that is a sunrise at -20 degrees in winter, a snow storm, a stunning sunset or a growing supercell in the height of summer, these are the key elements to his painting.

ARCHIVE: Demo – Contemporary Landscape in Oils

Tuesday 20 September 2022 at 7.30pm. Hester Berry’s practice is rooted in traditional representation and methods, but she constantly challenges her understanding of “painting” and explores ways paint can represent effects such as light, time, movement and climate.