WADAC offers a range of activities and classes, which we hope will appeal to members. See our Learning and Social sections for up-to-date information on what’s on.

Tutored classes

We run daytime classes at centre 70 on Tuesday mornings and afternoons, tutored by professional artists, who teach in all media. Places are limited and participation is on a fee-paying basis. The courses run throughout the year, as 6 x 6 week terms. Visit our programme page for exact dates.

Currently our classes are:

Morning, 10.00am -1.00pm. Tutor Claire Cross begins the session with a demo of a medium, subject or technique which has been requested by the group. Many people continue with the demo for the morning, while others prefer to work on their own projects. Claire is on hand to help and can also supply materials, if needed. The group has tackled acrylics, watercolours, watercolour pencils, pastels and charcoal recently, and looked at mark-making, use of palette knives, different brushes and abstract techniques. We also sometimes circle back to fundamental drawing techniques, such as perspective and still life, to help your painting.

Fees are £80 for members and £85 for non-members for a 6-week term, or drop in for a taster session for £15.

Afternoon, 2.00pm – 4.30pm, with tutor Grant Waters. This is a more guided session, with numbers limited, and everyone working on the same new theme every two weeks – from still life to portraiture. Grant introduces the theme and any new techniques required in the first week, which are then put into practice and continued in the second week, to produce final paintings.

Fees are £85 for members and £90 for non-members for a 6-week term, or drop in for a taster session for £15.

If you are interested in joining our classes, please contact admin@wallingfordartclub.org.uk.

Live demonstrations

We run monthly painting/drawing demonstrations on the third Tuesday of the month, from 7.30pm – 9.30pm. We mostly run live presentations in Centre 70, or occasionally on Zoom – either viewing from home or at Centre 70. Demos are free to members and £5 per demo for non members.

Tutored all-day workshops

We arrange tutored all-day workshops, usually on a Saturday, with a professional artist, where participants have an opportunity to learn about, and practice, a particular medium or subject. A fee, typically £40, covers the workshop costs and is discounted for club members. For life drawing classes, please see the Life Drawing Code of Conduct.

Untutored club evenings

Members who enjoy painting and discussing their work in company can come along to Centre 70 on Tuesday evenings (except the third in the month, which are demo nights) from 7.00pm – 9.00pm. Members work on their own projects but with the social support of the group. Members attend free of charge and non-members are welcome for a fee of £5.00 per visit (to help offset the costs of hall hire, tea and coffee). Please bring your own materials and projects.

Outings and visits

We hold a Sketchbook Saturday in late spring and an Outdoor Painting Day in August. We occasionally arrange group visits to art exhibitions and galleries, on a self-funded basis, and we seek out opportunities for WADAC members to join other art groups’ excursions. These are free for members and £5 per day for non members.

Exhibitions and art sales

We hold two exhibitions annually – usually in a central Wallingford location. One takes place in mid-May and the other at the beginning of December, usually to coincide with Wallingford’s Christmas Shopping event. All members are welcome to exhibit their art. Non members pay more to exhibit and their work is only eligible if we have space after members have made their submissions.


You don’t have to be a member of the club to join in most of our activities, but you will pay more in fees if you are not. Membership covers all the benefits above, with discounts applying. Annual membership costs £40 and it offers a potential saving of £328 on all the activities we pursue, each year. To read more about membership, click here or to join us, contact admin@wallingfordartclub.org.uk.