Successful Summer Exhibition

Centre 70 was thronged with visitors on the weekend of 25 and 26 May to see the Wallingford & District Art Club’s Summer exhibition, organised by members as part of Oxfordshire ArtWeeks’ May event.

We displayed dozens of artworks, limited edition prints and cards, and handmade jewellery, bags and scarves from over 25 club members – all affordable and original.
The preview evening on Friday the 24th was well attended and generated brisk sales of art – notably Mark Wood’s paintings.

Members were encouraged to submit works that represented the theme, ‘The Wellbeing of Nature’, and local artist Jason Atomic (who was heavily involved in the Town Hall and Art Walks events – see below) gave an appreciation of the paintings submitted to that theme. He subscribed to the theory that ‘good’ art is about expressing joy and letting passion shine through the work.

Visitors enjoyed watching Mark Wood painting live throughout the weekend, finishing a small puffin painting and nearly completing a large landscape of The Clumps from Day’s Lock – pictured here.

The Town Council hosted an exhibition in the Town Hall for local artists (including WADAC members), created a Trail map that included over 30 local artists’ studios and events, and promoted four Art Trail walks around Wallingford, to view key venues.

Visitor numbers were up by 59% on last year, with 718 in total over 2 days. We sold 17 original paintings, 14 limited edition prints, lots of bags and jewellery, 69 cards and donated art materials.

Club chairman Nick Shanagher said: “A big thank you goes to all the members who took part, helped promote the show, set up the space, stewarded on the day, and chatted to our visitors. The buzz at the show was great and our visitors voted for their favourite artwork – Zennor Coastline by Rita Gamble.”

Successful Summer Exhibition

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