Tuesday 20th January, 7.00pm, Centre 70
We held our AGM on 20 January 2024, where committee members, led by WADAC Chair, Nick Shanager, outlined the club’s achievements and finances for the previous year, and previewed forthcoming activities.
Club member numbers have remained stable, with several leaving for healh or relocation reasons, but others joining to fill their places. Both Tuesday classes are producing more income than before and the last 2 exhibitions we held had record footfalls and sales of paintings. However, the overall surplus income remained static, as costs have gone up all round – for tutors, demo artists and the hire of Centre 70. But the club has a decent level of reserves in place to make it stable.
Nick thanked Margaret Cone and Carole Kettle for their sterling work for the club over the years, as they both stepped down from the committee. He welcomed two new faces – Vicki Milne and Sally Maddison to the committee, which now comprises those two, plus Nick as chair, Nicola Webb in charge of membership and marketing/PR, Peter Burridge, and David Booth as treasurer and so much more!
Although we have managed to relieve David of some of his many duties, he still contributes hugely to the success of the club and would like to hand over the role of treasurer this year. It takes a couple of hours a week and full training can be given. Nick urged members to consider whether they could take on this role – or knew of anyone who might.
Following the AGM, local artist and renowned tutor, Anthony Wilder, gave an illustrated talk on the famous Victorian artists of Wallingford – two famous dynasties – the Hayllars and the Leslies – and Claude Rowbotham. The talk was based on extensive research, which culminated in Anthony publishing a lavishly illustrated book on the subject, which can be ordered here.