Cholsey sketch day – 29 June 2024

Nick Shanagher reports:

“Seven club members braved the heat and sunshine at the end of June to sketch the Thames by the Cholsey Marshes nature reserve and the cricket match at the Cholsey Meadows ground.

The group produced a variety of pencil, ink and watercolour sketches. The river was populated with a mix of wildlife, swimmers, paddleboarders, and boating folk, while the dogs being walked by took a keen interest in our kit, hoping to find an unguarded sandwich.

After the morning session, we enjoyed lovely iced coffees, ice creams and light lunches in the friendly OxShed cafe.

Then it was back to work, finding a shady spot to capture the excitement of the six-a-side cricket tournament.

After 4 pm, four of us stayed on to enjoy a family concert on the cricket ground that lasted until after 10 pm. All in all, it was a great day of art and socialising.”

Cholsey sketch day – 29 June 2024

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