ARCHIVE March Demo: Woodland sketchbook

Tuesday 19th March 2024, 7.30pm, Centre 70 March’s live demo sees artist, Kieran Stiles, illustrate his methods of working outside, using mixed media on a woodland sketchbook scene. Kieran shows that working outside is a great way of capturing a brief moment in a very immediate way. Each is a unique expression of a particular... Continue reading

ARCHIVE: February 2024 AGM

Tuesday 20th January, 7.00pm, Centre 70 We held our AGM on 20 January 2024, where committee members, led by WADAC Chair, Nick Shanager, outlined the club’s achievements and finances for the previous year, and previewed forthcoming activities. Club member numbers have remained stable, with several leaving for healh or relocation reasons, but others joining to... Continue reading

ARCHIVE: Jan 2024 demo: Animal portrait

Tuesday 16th January, 7.30pm, Centre 70 January’s live demo sees artist, Claire Cross, create a portrait in acrylics of a badger from a photo she took at a wildlife centre. Claire will demonstrate how to block in colour and refine it; how to represent fur and how to give the animal a bit of character.... Continue reading

ARCHIVE: November demo: Watercolour Winter landscape

Tuesday 21st November, 7.30pm, Centre 70 November’s live demo sees artist, Jonathan Newey, create a winter landscape in watercolour line and wash. Jonathan is an award-winning artist with over 20 years’ experience in both drawing and painting. Born in Reading, he comes from a long line of artists and works in a wide range of mediums... Continue reading

ARCHIVE: October demo: vibrant street scene in oil

On Tuesday 17th October, artist Anne Blankson-Hemans gave a demo on Zoom on painting a vibrant street scene in oil. The finished painting is shown below. Anne has three elements she tries to bring to her work: composition to draw the viewer’s eye into the painting, colour to attract, and contrast to add depth. The... Continue reading

ARCHIVE: September Demo – still life in Gouache

Our live demonstration on Tuesday 19 September is entitled “Still Life in Gouache” and will be given by Kevin Scully, at Centre 70.  Unlike many other mediums on the market today, gouache has a long history, going back many centuries, but for some time now has been sorely overlooked by fine artists. The examples and... Continue reading